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UNITYLIFE™ is a smartphone application available for download by any person. The application allows a person to register with the public health authorities, which include Local Disaster and Emergency Management Call Centres and Provincial / National Covid-19 Response Centres.


The application allows a person with a registered profile to instantly report a medical condition to the authorities.  The request for assistance or guidance is submitted to the relevant response centre along with the persons’ full medical profile/complete medical history, next of kin information,  physical address and actual GPS co-ordinate at the time of submitting the SOS,


UNITYLIFE™ does not only allow the patient to instantly call for help, it also provides first responders with the full details of the person, the actual description of symptoms/condition of the person and a precise location to respond to in the shortest possible period of time.

The interactive application gathers all patient information in UNITYSHARE™ (Health Information Exchange) module in a local / central database for access by Call Centre Agents, First responders and Health Care Professionals.

With permission from the relevant authority, all patient data is also available to:

The Department of Health  |  Hospitals  |  Contact Tracing personnel  |  Health Care Professionals working in the field  |  Isolation and Quarantine facilities personnel  |  Social Services  |The Centre for Disease Control  |  All other authorised bodies.

 Health care professionals access and update patient data via remote devices,  which could be either handheld devices (tablet or smartphone), laptop or desktop workstations.


The patients’ exact GPS Co-ordinates are transmitted together with the cell phone number and the request for assistance/guidance directly into UNITY EDMS™ at the call centre.  In the case of informal settlements which are generally not mapped, the GPS location being transmitted, allows a response team to locate a patient timeously and at an exact location.


For more information please send us a product information request.



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